「血管確保性能向上のための末梢静脈留置針の開発:in vitro と ex vivo による検証」 -
「透析患者における足部皮膚障害の要因の検討 一足清瘍の予防ケア確立を目指して一」
「Development and evaluation of cross reality-based training support systems for home-visiting nurses: Interim analysis of preliminary pragmatic non-randomized controlled trial」 -
「Incontinence-associated dermatitis-like skin changes induced by the application of absorbent pads containing bacteria and artificial urine in rats」
「The effectiveness of local low-frequency vibration on wound healing of full-thickness wounds in a hyperglycemic rat model」 -
「外来でがん化学療法を受ける患者における注射部位硬結と関連する浮腫の実態と予測因子」 -
「NGF/SEMA3A 比の検出によるドライスキン由来の瘙痒症における痒み易知覚状態の同定」
「Development of e-learning and pelvic floor muscle contraction automatic evaluation algorithm for pelvic floor muscle training biofeedback using self-performed ultrasound」 -
「Development of a skin temperature estimation system for a prediction method of pressure injury occurrence based on continuous body sensor data」 -
「Development and evaluation of a rapid skin taurine measurement device using skin blotting for the early detection of dehydration」
「Investigation of the role of dysbiotic wound microbiota on the establishment of critical colonization」 -
「Development of a method to distinctly identify persistant and blanchable redness by skin blotting in mice」 -
「An expert knowledge algorithm and model predicting wound healing trends for a decision support system for pressure injury management in home care nursing」 -
「Development of biomarkers in first-void urine samples for urinary tract infection assessment」 -
「Expression of NPPB, ITGB6, CPNE4, EML5, and ITSN1 in exudates of infected full-thickness wounds in rats and of critically colonized pressure injuries of patients」
「Development of a non-invasive urine volume sensor by electrical impedance measurement」 -
「Development of the measurement of taurine concentration by the skin blotting: A non-invasive identifying method for chronic dehydration of vulnerable older people in home care setting」
「Identification of microRNAs responsive to share loading in rat skin」 -
「Factors associated with the local increase of skin temperature, 'hotspots', of callus in diabetic foot: A cross-sectional study」 -
「Changes in the subcutaneous tissue and blood vessel of peripheral intravenous catheter placement sites in hematology and oncology: A secondary analysis using ultrasonographic images」 -
「Standardization of a standing-position bladder observation technique and bladder urine volume estimation formula using ultrasonography」
「訪問看護師が撮影した直腸エコー動画に対するAIによる便貯留評価手法の開発」 -
「Targetting biofilms in the management of diabetic foot ulcers through wound bloting-guided visualization」
「Skin characteristics associated with foot callus in people with diabetes: A cross-sectional study focused on adhesion molecules in corneocytes」
「車いす使用者のための体重測定・体脂肪率推定法の開発」 -
「Interventional study by care bundle to reduce mechanical irritation for prevention of peripheral intravenous catheter failure」
「Development of an algorithm using ultrasound-assisted peripheral intravenous catheter placement for reducing catheter failure: a pretest-posttest study」 -
「Can bacterial dissemination within bed environment be associated with biofilm on the pressure ulcers?」 -
「Relationship between pressure ulcers and dynamic buttock pressure distributions during performance in wheelchair basketball athletes」 -
「Effectiveness of biofilm-based wound care system on wound healing in chronic wounds」
「車いすバスケットボール選手における深部組織損傷の実態」 -
「Development of software for the management of skin tears using machine learning」 -
「Development of a biomarker for adrenocorticotropic hormone-induced mechanical hypersensitivity using a full-thickness cutaneous wound model」 -
「Healing process of incontinence-associated dermatitis and promoting effect of acylated homoserine lactone on its healing in rats」
「Fecal distribution changes using colorectal ultrasonography in elderly patients with physical and cognitive impairment at long-term care facilities: A longitudinal observational study」 -
「Prediction of healing in Category I pressure ulcers by skin blotting with a lymphangiogenesis marker, vascular endothelial growth factor C: A pilot study」 -
「Validity of biofilm detection by wound blotting on chronic wounds」 -
「Development of a mattress sensor system to estimate desire to void for elderly patients with physical and cognitive impairment」
「Developing a pressure ulcer severity estimation algorithm via machine learning」
「Development of a nutritional monitoring method using ultrasonography in the elderly: Measuring temporal muscle thickness as an estimate of energy adequacy」 -
「Development of a pressure ulcer assessment method based on peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase activity detected by wound blotting」
「Evaluation of comfort associated with the use of a robotic mattress with an interface pressure mapping system and automatic inner air-cell pressure adjustment function」 -
「Development of personalized fitting device with three-dimensional solution for prevention of medical device-related pressure ulcers caused by non-invasive positive pressure ventilation oral-nasal mask」 -
「Development of an automatic puncuturing and sampling system for a self-monitoring blood glucose device」 -
「Development of a plantar load estimation algorithm for evaluation of forefoot load of diabetic patients during daily walks using a foot motion sensor」 -
「Properties of pruritus and related factors among elderly residents of Panti Werdha, public nursing homes in Indonesia」
「Investigation of external force on plantar associated with callus in diabetic neuropathy patients and its relationship with their leg motions for foot ulcer prevention」 -
「Development of biomarkers for delayed wound healing caused by pressure」 -
「Preventing development and recurrence of skin tear in elderly patients at a long-term medical facility in Japan -Focusing on skin properties and morphological characteristics of injuries-」 -
「Intervention study for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia by recommendation of swallowing care based on the results of ultrasound examination」
「Development of the assessment method of extravasation in chemotherapy patients using thermographic patterns」 -
「A novel direct skin assessment method for predicting pressure ulcer development by using molecular biomarkers for detecting local tissue response: An experimental study in mice」 -
「基本チェックリストを用いた低栄養スクリーニングの妥当性検証: MNA-SF との比較」 -
「Virtual ultrasonic probe system to support peripheral IV catheter site selection」
「Nerve growth factor and S100A8/A9 in exudate from venous leg ulcers are associated with wound pain status」 -
「Is thrombus with subcutaneous edema detected by ultrasonography related to peripheral intravenous catheter failure?」 -
「Telogen elongation in the hair cycle of ob/ob mice」 -
「Microclimate is an independent risk factor for development of intraoperatively acquired pressure ulcers in the park-bench position: a prospective observational study」
「Thrombosis―HIF-1 cycle involving PAI-1 in compressed mouse skin: A new aspect of pressure ulcer development mechanisms」 -
「Prediction of healing progress of pressure ulcers by wound blotting: distribution analysis of peroxidase activity on necrotic tissue」 -
「Development of an anomaly detection method in home monitoring system for the elderly using financial theories」 -
「Development and evaluation of a system to assess the effect of footwear on the in-shoe plantar pressure and shear during gait」 -
「Development and clinical evaluation of air mattress with independent control of air cell pressure depending on interface pressure distribution」 -
「Elevated plantar pressure in diabetic patients and its relationship with their gait features」 -
「Molecular markers of biological responses to compressive loading for the prediction of delayed wound healing due to pressure」 -
「高齢者における等張液を用いた清潔ケアに関する基礎的研究―ヘアレスラットにおける低浸透圧ショックに起因する潜在的皮膚炎症」 -
「Exploring the prevalence of skin tears and skin properties related to tissue tolerance in elderly patients at a long-term medical facility in Japan」 -
「Method for detection of silent aspiration based on B-mode video ultrasonography assisted by image processing」
「Achlhomoserine lactone improves the impaired basement membrane formation in the epithelializing tissue during cutaneous wound healing in hyperglycemic rats」 -
「Estimation of protein requirements for older hospitalized patients with pressure ulcers according to wound severity」 -
「皮膚・排泄ケア認定看護師が実施する高度褥瘡管理技術の評価」 -
「乳癌癌性創傷の周囲皮膚炎における滲出液の影響」 -
「Vibration attenuates a deterioration of deep tissue injury in rats」 -
「新卒看護師の精神健康の悪化が離職願望に及ぼす影響、ならびに精神健康変動に対するSense of Coherenceの影響-入職前、入職後3ヶ月、入職後1年の縦断的検討-」 -
「Development and evaluation of air mattressstructure and function for discomfort reduction during head-of-bed elevation」 -
「Risk factors for infection during tissue expansion in tissue expander and implant breast reconstruction」 -
「Investigation of the influence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing signal molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl) homoserine lactone on keratinocyte migration」 -
「Factors associated with callus in diabetic patients-Focused on planter shear stress during gait-」 -
「超音波画像診断装置を用いた肥満者の真皮および脂肪組織の構造変化の抽出ならびに酸化ストレスとの関連性の検討」 -
「Skin maceration with fecal incontinence as a risk for skin lesion -Tissue damage and bacterial invasion in rat skin macerated by proteolytic solution-」
「Novel biomakers for the detection of wound infection by wound fluid RT-PCR in rats」 -
「Oxidateive stress mediates skin fragility in obese diabetic mice」 -
「Health-related quality of life and associated factors in patients with primary lymphedema」 -
「パウチを用いた新しい男性用尿失禁ケア用具の開発と評価」 -
「Impaired AQP3 expression in epithelialization of skin wound healing in diabetes」
「療養型病院入院高齢者における皮膚と栄養状態の関連:栄養スクリーニングのための工学的皮膚評価」 -
「Factors associated with characteristics of toenail onychomycosis in diabetic patients」 -
「Relationship between morphological characteristics and nursing care in the developmental process of specific pressure ulcers in intensive care unit patients」
「体圧を用いた自動体位判定アルゴリズムの提案」 -
「Determining the optimal inner air cell pressure of an alternating air mattress
「Investigation of the role of the quorum sensing system on the establishment of pressure-induced ischemic wound infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa」
「Do nutritional markers in wound fluid reflect pressure ulcer status?」 -
「ラット背部皮膚全層欠損創における緑膿菌接種実験ークリティカルコロナイゼーションモデルとしての可能性ー」 -
「新しい高齢者用ダイナミッククッションにおける圧分散の評価」 -
「Development of the Research Awareness Scale for Nurses (RASN)」 -
「Hypoxia is involved in deep tissue injury formation in a rat model」
「Histological examination of pressure-induced ischemic wound healing in diabetic rats」 -
「特定機能病院における褥瘡予防対策評価の質指標の検討」 -
「Continuous monitoring of interface pressure distribution in intensive care patients for pressure ulcer prevention」 -
「A study of absorbent pads and skin lesions in Japanese elderly incontinence patients at a long-term medical facility」 -
「Interface pressure distribution of elderly Japanese people in the sitting position」
「Nutritional Status and Mutable Associated Factors in the Free-Living Elderly」 -
「Quantitative evaluation of elderly skin based on digital image analysis」
「Bilateral Comparison Study to Evaluate a New Pressure Ulcer Preventive Dressing Containing Ceramide 2 with a Low Friction Outer Layer」
「体圧センサー内蔵マットレスの開発-センサーの妥当性及びセンシング範囲決定-」 -
「振動による血行促進効果に関する研究-微小循環可視化モデルを用いた検証-」 -
「踵部の褥瘡予防―振動による血行促進効果の検討―」 -